Continuing academic activities while dealing with the constraints imposed by the response to COVID-19 is challenging. A number of resources are available to assist and support students, faculty and staff in continuing their academic and administrative operations. Many vendors have generously offered services for free or at low cost, and PCCC has adjusted its operations to continue instruction and support services online.

Internet access services for students

Several large Internet service providers have pledged to provide free access to their Wi-Fi hotspots for 60 days. In addition, they all have low cost Internet access plans for those households not located near their public hotspots.

Zoom Accounts for Faculty and Staff

PCCC has purchased an institutional license for Zoom web conferencing services, which is available for all full time faculty, adjunct faculty and staff. This may be used to facilitate instruction, hold department meetings remotely, provide one-on-one support to students, etc.

You may login to using your PCCC user name and password.

Read our Getting Started Guide or browse the comprehensive documentation on the Zoom support site.

PCCC Technology Support

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