
What is your Return of Title IV (R2T4) funds policy?


The 1998 Re-authorization of the Higher Education Act requires the college to calculate a Return of Title IV Funds on all federal financial aid students who withdraw, officially or unofficially,  from all classes.

A schedule is used to determine the percentage of the semester the student attended based on the withdrawal date/last date of attendance for students who officially withdraw, and the midpoint of the semester for those who unofficially withdraw.

Click here for the complete Return of Title IV Funds Policy.

(Financial Aid > R2T4) 

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  1. Return of Title IV Funds on all federal financial aid students who withdraw, officially or unofficially,  from all classes
  2. A schedule is used to determine the percentage of the semester the student attended based on the withdrawal date/last date of attendance for students who officially withdraw
  3. The midpoint of the semester for those who unofficially withdraw

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