There are two ways to access the public Folders

Using Outlook on your device

Using Outlook on the Web

(blue star) Instructions - using Outlook on your Computer

For Accessing the Public Folders including the College Wide Calendar from the Outlook Application

  1. Open Outlook

  2. Select the 3 dots in the bottom of the left navigation pain:

  3. Select Folders:

  4. Look for public folders and select the drop down to access the Calendars:

If you Right Click and select “Add to Favorites” the calendar will appear in your calendar screen on Outlook

Instructions - using Outlook on the Web

For Accessing the Public Folders including the College Wide Calendar from the Outlook WEB Application

  1. Open Outlook

  2. Select the 3 dots in the bottom of the left navigation pain:

  3. Select Folders:

  4. Look for public folders and select the drop down to access the Calendars:

If you Right Click and select “Add to Favorites” the calendar will appear in your calendar screen on Outlook

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