Payment Options

Payment Options


What are my options for making a payment?


Payments may be made via the following methods:

  • MAIL- full payments with check or money order only
  • ON-LINE- full payment or payment plan payment with VISA, MC, Discover or check

Limited Access to Mail

Please note, we are currently working remotely and have limited access to mail. Checks sent by mail will take longer to process.

Payments sent via postal mail should be mailed to:

Passaic County Community College 
One College Boulevard
Paterson, NJ 07505-1179

Attn. Bursar

*Important: Please include your Student ID number on your check.

In-person payments can be only made at:

Main Campus/Paterson
Enrollment Services Building
Mezzanine Level
225 Market Street

Important Information

Once payment is made, the system updates immediately. You should receive an email confirmation to your student email account (How to Check your Student Email Account).

Students can also view the reduced balance in the Student Finance section of Self-Service. (How to Check my Account Balance)

Payments mailed our office will take longer. If you have questions, please email bursar@pccc.edu.

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