Learn about MyPCCC events

Learn about MyPCCC events

Events: Make Groups a Place Where Things Happen

College events are a great way to foster community through in-person or online meetups. If your office or department holds regular events - student activities, tours, workshops, demos, meet & greets, etc. - create events in your group, so group members hear about them and attend!

Events in the Calendar Widget

Joined events will show up in a user’s calendar widget, making it easy to remember when and where the event takes place.

Please Note: When a joined event has passed, the event will no longer appear in the calendar widget.

Events in the Activity Feed and Notifications

Events may show up in the activity feed if they are created in a group where the user is a member. A user will receive a notification when an event has been added to a group where they are a member if they have those notifications turned on in their account settings. Depending on the user's notification settings, a user may receive other notifications related to events.

Events in Search and Discover

Group members can search for events using the Search or Discover features. Group members can search or discover events created in public groups. Events created in private groups will only be visible to group members.

Share your Events Publicly

Your events can be shared publicly. Your group event visibility is based on whether your group is set to public or private. However, all group events have the option to share the event details externally with a shareable link.

Monitor the Number of Attendees Joined

Check your event details to see how many attendees are planning on attending your event.

Add Labels

Labels help connect your institution - from people and groups to conversations and events - they make everyone and everything more discoverable. Labels can help group members find events of interest to them.

Event Examples

  • Workshops
  • Demos
  • Orientations
  • Meet and Greets
  • Trivia Nights

Step-by-step guide

1. Use your menu or the Search function to navigate to the Group you are creating the Event for.

Mobile Users: Click on the menu icon in the top left corner to open your menu.

2. If you have permission to create an Event in the Group, you will see the Create Event button in the top right corner of the Group cover pic. Click it.

3. Click on the cover pic to upload an Event image.

4. Complete the Event details (name of Event, date and time, description, location or URL).

5. Click the This event can be shared publicly tickbox if you would like Group Members to share a link to the Event outside the Group.

Note: When this option is selected, the Event link can be shared on other platforms and viewed by people without needing to login.

6. If attendees will need tickets, click the Attendees will need tickets tickbox and provide the URL where they can be purchased.

7. If you would like to track attendance, click the Allow checking-in to the event tickbox and provide appropriate information.

8. Click Create Event. Your Event will be displayed in the Events tab of the Group, and Group Members will receive a notification.

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