EOF Application - Uploading Additional Documents

EOF Application - Uploading Additional Documents

For students who need to submit additional documents for their EOF application. The passcode for document submission on Mapping Xpress is "pccc2020".

Step-by-step guide

Uploading additional EOF Documents to Mapping Xpress:

  1. Go to https://mappingyourfuture.org/MappingXpress/pccc/
  2. Enter "pccc2020" for the Passcode.
  3. Complete the Captcha.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Follow the instructions on Mapping Xpress to upload your additional document for your EOF application.

Please choose the correct document type when uploading your additional documents. Below are the document types you should choose on Mapping Xpress:

  • EOF-1040 or Tax Transcript
  • EOF-NJFAMS Confirmation
  • EOF-Other
  • EOF-Personal Statement
  • EOF-Social Security Benefits
  • EOF-Unemployment Benefits

Please allow 3-5 business days for your documents to be processed. The EOF department will follow up with you regarding the submitted documents.

Please contact Patrice Carter (pcarter@pccc.edu) with any questions.