Transferring Bookmarks from Internet Explorer to another Browser

Transferring Bookmarks from Internet Explorer to another Browser

Export Bookmarks from internet Explorer

The steps of the export process in more detail in the following sections. Once you’ve opened Internet Explorer, the first step in the export process is to open the bookmarks manager. To do this, click the star icon next to the search bar in your browser’s menu bar:

The browser then opens another window listing your favorites. You can switch between tabs to display all the feeds you’re following as well as your search history. To continue the export process, open the drop-down menu next to “Add to Favorites” by clicking the small down arrow and choosing the Import and Export option:

In the window that appears, choose the Export from a file option and confirm your selection by clicking “Next”. Now you must select the data you want to export. Along with your favorites, you can also back up feeds you subscribe to and current cookies. To do this, simply select the appropriate checkboxes and then choose Next:

Next, you must specify the bookmarks folder that you want to define for the backup. Simply select the “Favorites” folder at the top if you want to export all your Internet Explorer favorites (including the various subfolders):

The final step is to choose where you want to save the bookmarks file. You can save it locally on your device or to an external storage device. Simply click the “Browse” button and then search for a suitable location using the File Explorer. Finally, click Save and then Export:

If the export was successful, Internet Explorer will display a success message, which you can close by choosing Finish.

Import bookmarks to Chrome

This tutorial will show you how to import favorites, browsing history, saved passwords, and search engines from Internet Explorer to Chrome bookmarks for your account in Windows 10.

Here's How:

1 Open Google Chrome.
2 Click/tap on the Customize and control Google Chrome (More) . button, click/tap on Bookmarks, and click/tap on Import bookmarks and settings. (see screenshot below)

3 Select Internet Explorer in the drop menu, select (check or uncheck) the items you want to import, and click/tap on Import. (see screenshot below)

4 When finished importing, turn on or off to Show bookmarks bar in Chrome for what you want, and click/tap on Done. (see screenshot below)

Import Favorites to Edge

Simply click on the icon that features a half star with three horizontal lines:

In the “Favorites” menu, open the settings by clicking on the cog symbol:

In the menu that opens, you’ll find the button “Import or export” under “Import favorites and other info” in addition to a range of general settings:

The browser will then open another menu window which gives you the two options mentioned earlier for importing favorites to Edge:

Under “Import your info”, the application will list all the browsers you have installed whose bookmarks (as well as other data like search history and cookies, depending on the browser) can be transferred by syncing. Select the browser you wish to import from and then click on “Import”:

If the browser from which you want to import your bookmarks into Edge isn’t listed, or if you’re importing from a HTML file, click on the “Import from file” button instead; this can be found under the heading “Import or export a file”:

Navigate to where the HTML file is stored, select it with a left click (in our case, a Chrome HTML document), and then click on “Open” to complete the process:

Edge will now import your favorites and automatically add them to the bookmark/favorite manager in their own folder. You can also sort the new bookmarks into an order of your choosing in your collection, in any way you wish.