Forgot Your Password

Forgot Your Password

By following the steps provided in this section, you will be able to reset and change the password to your PCCC account.


  1. Please go to the Microsoft password reset page at https://aka.ms/sspr. The page will be titled “Get back into your account”.

  2. Enter your PCCC Account Username in the space under “Email or Username”

    • ex: user@students.pccc.edu, user@adjuncts.pccc.edu, user@pccc.edu

  3. In the space below the picture of letters and numbers, enter the characters in the picture you are provided.

    1. To hear the characters out loud, click the audio button ( image-20240619-181100.png ) next to the picture.

    2. To get a new set of characters, click the refresh button ( image-20240619-181200.png ).

  4. After completing steps 2 and 3, click “Next”.


  1. On the next page, make sure “I forgot my password” is selected and click “Next”.



  1. On the next page, for “verification step 1”, choose the verification method you would like to use to verify your account in the left panel.

  2. Follow the directions on the right panel. Be sure you have access to the method you select.



  1. On the “choose a new password” section, enter your new password into the two given fields.

  2. Click “Finish” to set your new password.

Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters and require 3 of the 4 types of characters:

  • Lowercase characters

  • Uppercase characters

  • Numbers (0-9)

  • Symbols @ # $ % ^ & * – _ ! + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ ” ( ) ; < >


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