Virtual Desktop PC (mydesktop)

Virtual Desktop PC (mydesktop)

Most college applications and services are accessible via web browser from any location. However, there are some on-campus systems that require access through virtual desktops (commonly referred to as VDI, or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) such as Public Safety systems, academic computer labs, legacy network shares for departments, and UI access for the student information system.

The following instructions detail how to connect to the college virtual desktops.

To request VDI access, ask your supervisor to submit the request to itsupport@pccc.edu along with relevant justification.

Web Access (No Installation Needed)

  1.  Go To https://mydesktop.pccc.edu/

  2. You may be asked to sign in:

  3. Enter Password:

  4. Approve authenticator app:

  5. Check " Check here to skip this screen and always use HTML Access" then Click VMware Horizon HTML Access

  6. Log In with Username and Password

  7. Select the Desktop you would like to work in (Not All desktops shown may be available to you)

PCCC Technology Support




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