PCCC Laptop OWN Progam

PCCC Laptop OWN Progam


I need a laptop to take courses at PCCC.


STILL NEED A LAPTOP: All students registered for classes in fall 2020 can register to be part of the Laptop OWN program. You can purchase a laptop from Follet (College Bookstore) for a reduced price of $199. In order to get on the list for this great deal, students must complete the survey available online and send via email. The student will receive instructions on purchasing and picking up laptop via email. Students, if eligible, can chose to use part of their book deferment toward the purchase.


The deadline to complete either form is 9/17/20. Students can email bursar@pccc.edu with questions.


The Laptop you purchased from the PCCC bookstore through the Laptop OWN program is malfunctioning. This may manifest as a hardware issue or problem with the Microsoft Windows operating system.


Register your laptop

Immediately register your laptop with Lenovo to take advantage of their one year service and support at https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/warrantylookup#/

If you ware having issues with the hardware or operating system:

  1. You can contact the Bookstore at 973-247-6406 (M-TH 9:00 am - 4:30 pm and F 9: 00 am -3:00 pm )

  2. You can contact Lenovo Support at https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/warrantylookup#/.

PCCC Technical support will provide assistance connecting your laptop to the PCCC wireless network and the various services of the institution including the "My PCCC" portal, Zoom, WebAdvisor, Email and Office 365 for the Web.

E-mail: itsupport@pccc.edu

Phone: (973) 684-6464 Option #2

Support services are available to students, faculty and staff via e-mail and limited phone service. All voice messages left will be responded to.

Please leave the following information in your messages to ensure we can get in touch with you:

  • Call back phone number

  • College e-mail address

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Brief description of your request or issue