Waiting List Instructions

Waiting List Instructions

By James Rokusek

Some courses at PCCC have waiting lists available.  Once a course is full, you can be placed on a waiting list to enroll in the class on a first-come, first-served basis when space becomes available.  Just register for courses as you normally do.  All you need to do is login and search for the course you want through your Degree Planner.  If you find a course is full and a waiting list is enabled, just click the “Waitlist” button to add yourself to the Waitlist – see the image below.  NOTE: you can only be on one waiting list per class.  For example, you cannot register for a section of English and be on a waiting list for a different section of English.


Once you add yourself to the waiting list, you will see the following screen. If you change your mind, simply click the “Drop Waitlist” button.

If a spot becomes available, you will receive an email similar to the one below and have 48 hours to claim your seat!


Login to http://my.pccc.edu and navigate to your Degree Plan.  Find the correct semester and course and claim your seat!  If you don’t accept your seat within 48 hours you will be removed from the waiting list and dropped from the course!