Blackboard Base Navigation

Blackboard Base Navigation

On Friday, December 23, 2022 at 12:00 AM EST, we’re updating Blackboard to incorporate the new Base Navigation interface. This new navigation has a sleek, modern look and feel and will save you time with simpler workflows and easier access to important information.


What is Base Navigation?

It is a modern, intuitive navigation menu that lives outside of courses. It includes links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, Calendar, Messages, etc. that provide quick access to the most critical information consolidated from all your courses.


What does this mean for me?

  • Your courses will not change. They will look and operate exactly as they do now

  • Starting December 23, you will see the new navigation as soon as you log into Learn

  • So, just sit back and take advantage of some of the benefits below!


How will this enhance your efficiency and experience?

  • Modern, intuitive user experience. You and your students are going to enjoy this simple, intuitive, engaging user experience.

  • Works well on mobile devices. This navigation is designed to work well regardless of which device you’re using.

  • Aggregates important information. All your course and organization information – like calendar, messages and grades – is now consolidated into one global view, minimizing the time spent navigating into each individual course.

  • Only one click away. See something that needs your attention? Just click on it and you will be taken directly there, minimizing clicks and saving time.


Where can I find more information?

For those of you who were not able to attend a live preview session, or for anyone who needs a refresher, please view the 4-minute preview below.


Alternatively, you may wish to review a recording from the student preview session (35 min.). Please use the link below.

Student Base Navigation Preview Recording

If you are an instructor, you can access the Base Navigation Community of Practice which is available in Blackboard.  You have access through Organizations, which is on the Base Navigation menu.

How should I access Blackboard?

Starting December 23, if you have bookmarked Blackboard in any of your browsers, those bookmarks may no longer work, and should be updated accordingly. If your bookmarks don’t work, you can always access Blackboard via your My PCCC account.

If you have any issues with the new interface, first try the following: Clear your browser history/cache, restart your browser, and/or restart your computer.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the distance learning team at online@pccc.edu.