Installing Zoom Client & Login (Windows)

Installing Zoom Client & Login (Windows)

This article will help you install Zoom and log into the PCCC Zoom System

Zoom and Virtual Desktops

PCCC does NOT recommend using Zoom Videoconferencing inside a Virtual Desktop. Zoom should be run from your laptop, home desktop, tablet or smart phone.

Table of Contents


Install Zoom

  1. Browse to https://zoom.us/support/download

    The appropriate Zoom client for your computer (i.e., Mac or PC) will be downloaded

  2. Double-click on the installer (usually located in your download folder) and complete the installation steps

Logging In with your PCCC Credentials

  1. Open Zoom

  2. Click Sign In

    Opening Screen to Sign in

  3. Select Sign in with SSO

    Sign In Screen with SSO

  4. Type in "pccc" and click Continue

    PCCC Domain

  5. Type in your PCCC User ID and Password

    PCCC_ USERID-Password

  6. A pop up window will appear. Click "Open Zoom"

    Popup-Open Zoom

  7. You are now logged in to the zoom interface

Home Screen

Check to make sure your signed in:

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